Let me begin this section by saying that I assume you’ve
made your peace with your local council, and whatever rules and regulations they
have concerning the construction of permanent and occasionally very hot and
smoky contraptions (like wood-fired pizza ovens) in your neighbourhood or neck
of the woods. Yes? Good. Proceed…
You’ll need to determine the best location for your oven,
and I’ll leave that up to you. I needed somewhere level and stable, not too far
from the house but not too close, near a permanent water source and with good
overhead clearance. You’ll see from my pics that my oven sits right underneath
a spreading apple tree – this was a calculated risk I decided to take. I keep
the low hanging branches trimmed well clear of the chimney, and I’ve never had
any problem with hot gasses from the chimney affecting the tree.
The first step was to level out an area large enough to accommodate
the slab footing (1700x1700). I did this by hand with a pick and shovel,
checking the ground was more or less flat with a spirit level.
Next I needed to lay out some formwork to keep the concrete
in place. I used some old floorboards we had sitting in the shed. You can
really use any old flat strait timber of sufficient size – available cheap or
sometimes free from scrap yards and construction sites. Scrimp and scrounge –
that’s the key!
The boards I used were about 150mm wide, which I figured
would make for a sufficiently solid foundation. Okay, so I’m no engineer.

Thankfully two sides of the footing were cut into the earth, the cut surfaces helping to hold the formwork firmly in place.
I used a tape measure to check the diagonals were of equal
length (and hence the overall form was square), and made minor adjustments as
needed. I wasn’t too worried about how neat the edges of the slab were going to
look, as the long-term plan was to pave around the oven right up to (and thus
hiding) the foundation.
Once the formwork was set up, I lay down a sheet of old
shade cloth. Why? I’ve no idea, it just seemed like the right thing to do.
Perhaps it would help prevent excess moisture in the concrete from leeching into
the soil, thus enabling it to set more evenly. Sounds good to me!
A large slab of concrete will need some kind of internal
reinforcement to stop it cracking up (or so I’ve heard). For this I used old
bricks, some of them broken, and some large rocks I found laying around our
property. I’ve seen skip bins full of old rubble like this on construction
sites and I’m sure a friendly foreman wouldn’t mind you taking a trailer load
home with you (if you asked nicely, of course).
Next came the hard bit – mixing all the concrete and dumping
it on top. I had to do this by hand, mixing bags of pre-mix concrete in a
wheelbarrow, two at a time. I can’t recall exactly how many bags I had to mix.
I don’t care to recall how many. All I can tell you is if you have access to a
cement mixer, use it, for heaven's sake!

When full, I smoothed the top with a large level
length of timber – tamping it, dragging it and sliding it back and forth across
the top of the formwork. As you do this, a thin film of liquid cement rises to
the top, leaving a nice smooth surface to finish the job.
I let the concrete go off (set) overnight before removing
the formwork. You should probably let it cure for a week or so before building
on it. As it happens, I didn’t start building the oven base for the best part
of a year. By then it was nice and hard, and my back had almost recovered!
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